
This is a blog dedicated to the healthy practice of grammatically correct writing (yes, you may correct me), the observation and analysis of human behavior (including my own), and the praise and criticism of higher ideals (including, but not limited to, ethics, social norms, and bodily functions).

Monday, December 5, 2011

Finding Meaning in a British Weald

Hello, again.
I know. It's been a while, hasn't it? Sorry about that.
Well, in an effort to employ a regular writing routine, I thought it a good idea to have a safe place to start writing without judgement or format (as opposed to screenwriting, which does require a certain amount of meticulous formatting and succinct execution) so that I can _continue_ writing.
Inspired by recent research about the timing of this past New Moon (on Thanksgiving, as it turns out) and what it means leading up to the next Full Moon (Dec. 10th), I saw my opportunity to become reinvigorated with the same creative, independent, and exuberant energy that once brought me to Colorado, and eventually, to film school.
In an effort to keep my fingers moving, I'll refrain from elaborating, but feel free to comment and ask.
There are two things I wish to expand upon, however.
First, a friend on the ever-popular Facebook posted a link with a list of 95 things to "Help You Find Meaning and Happiness". While I do not think the list itself will do exactly that, I did feel that the questions were a great prompt for thoughts and reflections I could articulate and express, and thus, perhaps, finally manifest.
For those of you who know me personally, you probably already knew that I was going to mention a list... 'cause I like 'em. But, I don't care to go in order, like some sort of assignment. This is my exploration, and I shall do so as I please. Therefore, I'd like to call your attention to item number 69.
"What are three things you can’t get enough of?"
If money or sex was one of your first thoughts, then I'll tell you what I told my boyfriend - you're not taking this seriously. I'm not sure it warrants a "serious" answer, per say, but certainly some serious consideration. Even if it's something good, do you really feel insatiable? Even if it's sinful, do you really want MORE than enough? I'd like to think as humans, we only want enough to sin. But as adults, we must recognize our shortcomings as divine beings. We're not perfect, but we are passionate. Whatever it is we love or attach ourselves to, we do so with conviction. And thus, I give you my convictions:
1) Loving - this could be kissing and hugging, or just cuddling, or having a good conversation; "giving and receiving love"
2) Exploring - this is not to say "learning", because I can still try new things, but not learn anything new, per say; this includes traveling, cultures, cooking, spirituality, and communication
3) I had it last night, and right now I can't remember... wow. Well, this is embarrassing.

Well, I'll get back to that in a bit. But along with the idea of "Exploring", I've decided to attempt audio/visuals to accompany my blogs. Today's visual is inspired by today's word-of-the-day: weald.
weald [weeld] noun - wooded or uncultivated country
I plugged it into a Google search for images, and came up with this:
Lovely, isn't it? It's a picture from some Bed & Breakfast in England. But, I figure, if I have to be poor and can't explore the world yet, then I should give myself a big ol' spin on the wheel of fortune and see what pops up. Who knows, maybe I'll visit this place, all because I decided to look up the word "weald". That, and because it gives me a safe place to dream and "create" a little each day.

So... what are three things YOU can't get enough of?
I feel like I could give some answers for some of you already...
-World of Warcraft
Or maybe just THIS... sincerity and an organic connection that inspires you to think and feel. Perhaps that's the third thing I was missing.
Naw... it was probably paid vacation time... or money. HA! ;-)

By the by...
the third thing was LAUGHING. Just ironic.



  1. For me it's red!!
    But seriously, I'd probably say Love, Questioning/Searching for answers, Over-analyzing (I didn't say they were all good for me). But if I had a fourth I'd say hula hooping and if I had a fifth, I'd say color and design (maybe a little odd, I know).

    Love the post!

  2. Oh, how well you know me. ;-) Knowledge, Love, Laughter, Reading, Red, Purses, Good Company, Hugs, Massages, Coffee, Wine, my baby's smiles...and one thing I know I most definitely do not get enough of - KAREN TIME!!!!!!!! <3

  3. In response to the irony of you BOTH liking RED so very much, I've noticed how the color purple has really become a favorite of mine. I've never really picked "favorites" before, but I always seem to gravitate to it. That, and TEAL :-D
    Ok, back to script writing now. Thanks for the responses! Glad you're enjoying the blog!

  4. (FYI, this is Lauren H. ^_^)

    Surprisingly, I've been doing a bit of this type of thinking myself, especially after just having moved to Seattle. When I'm entirely truthful with myself, one of the things I constantly crave is comfort. I'm a little put out with myself about that though because I also love adventure and new things and experiences and I worry that this craving for comfort is what has been or is holding me back from doing some of the other things that I keep saying I want to be doing.

    Is it OK if I want to change the thing that I want the most?

  5. Hey, Lauren!
    I think it's perfectly OK to change the thing you want most. I think, for me, I can always tell when I'm working against myself, because my body starts rebelling against me.
    "What do you mean I'm going to get less sleep because you promised to be on set?" my body will say, and then it'll promptly ignore the alarm for another 3 hours.
    But sometimes the transition happens in small doses. You know, like when you're used to sleep in on the weekends, but one day your body wakes you up at 9am and says "Let's go on a hike!" Well, I guess that's one way to change ;-)
    How is Seattle, anyway?
